Title: "Understanding the Sin of Righteousness - which is trying to love and trust in both, in both God within us and in the world on the "outside" of us" Date Written: October to December, 2004 Date Sent: December, 2004 Written by: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) Written to: Paul & Joan Sturgis, and Pierce & Dolores Pelouze, HMHS Class of 1956
"Brief Outline" - with a short summary of each Topic - for Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Page 1 of 5
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
Introduction - to Spiritual Letter 60
Here is a copy of the beautiful letter of wisdom that was sent to two of my dearest loving brothers and sisters from High School, Mr. Paul Sturgis and his wife Joan, and Mr. Pierce Pelouze and his wife Dolores, from the 1956 Class of the Haddonfield Memorial High School in South Jersey, USA.
In April of 2004 we attended a 47.5 Class Reunion for the HMHS Class of 56. At that time Paul and his dear wife Joan gave this child a copy of the "Gospel of John" from the Holy Bible to read, as they are both Christians, as a way to 'bring me over to their side", even though we tried to explain to them that we are already "on their side", but that we are practicing what they believe as occurring "within us", not as occurring on the "outside" of us, that in truth all of the religions are one, just simply different facets of the same gem, which is God within us, and that all of the religions can be practiced as either an "inside" or an "outside" thing.
And that what we have learned from the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), is that our "outside" religious understanding and practices must at some point give way to the "truth of us", which is "God happening" within us, and the "truth of God" within us, which is "True Man happening" within God within us, as "Truth surrendering to Truth" within us, if we are ever to see God again, just as a baby must give up his breast milk, even though it feels good and makes him feel safe and secure, and move on to solid food, if he is to properly grow up and reach his full potential. Amen.
Review of The "Gospel of John"
Over the last 6 months we have been studying the "Gospel of John", at the feet of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and of God within Him, and this letter is an attempt by this child, at the direction of God within Him, to share what we have learned about God and True Man within us, and about the "Stuff of God" within us, like the wisdom, the soul, and the truth of God within us, with our dear High School Classmates, with Paul and Joan, and with Pierce and Dolores, and which we are now sharing with each of you, as members of the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, also at the direction of God within us. Amen.
We have documented our review of the "Gospel of John" as a Web Page, making it part of the "Main Menu" of the On-line Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library which you can access by clicking on the following: Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library - Home Page (www.GospelOfJohn.homestead.com).
To date (as of 11/17/04) we have partially reviewed Chapters 01 & 02 and completed our review of the following Chapters from the "Gospel of John", which you can also access directly by clicking on the Chapter numbers below:
Partially Reviewed: - still in process
Chapter 01 - "The Work of God, Jesus, and John, as The Witness of Jesus" (www.GospelOfJohnChapter01.homestead.com) Chapter 02 - "Jesus Comes as Our Judgment & Our Salvation"
Completed Our Review:
Chapter 12 - "Jesus Explains The Significance of His Coming" Chapter 13 - "Jesus Explains His Last Commandment" Chapter 14 - "Jesus Explains How To Proceed, Now That He Is Leaving" Chapter 15 - "Jesus Explains How He Is The True Vine" Chapter 16 - "Jesus Explains the Significance of the "Comforter" - the "Spirit of Truth" that Jesus (peace be upon Him) will send to us after He has left the world, in order to teach us without any veils what we could not bear to hear from Jesus Himself, in order to gently correct (reprove) our faults, guide us into all truth, and to show us things to come Chapter 17 - "Jesus Explains What It Means To Become "One with" Jesus - that is, "One with" Jesus within us, and "One with" God within Him, before we die to the "outside" of us" Chapter 20 - "Jesus Appears To His Disciples, After The Death of Judas" Chapter 21 - "Jesus Appears To His Disciples For The Last Time - telling Simon Peter to "Give up his life in the world" and "Follow Me", and telling His disciples that Barnabus, the disciple whom "Jesus loved", would "Tarry till I come", that is, would stay in the world for over 600 years until the next manifestation of Jesus (peace be upon Him) in the world, as Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), personally giving Muhammad (Sal.) the love and greetings of Jesus (peace be upon Him), before Barnabus (A.S.) died, and in this way, becoming the human bridge between the three, between the wisdom, the soul, and its body.
For as Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) teaches us, Moses (A.S.) is our wisdom, Jesus (A.S.) is our soul liberated by our wisdom from its crucifixion and joined with it, and Muhammad (Sal.) is our heart joined with our wisdom and soul, bringing the Holy Trinity or Triple Flame of God to completion within us, revealing in this way the "One within the Three" within us, which is True Man within God within us, the state of Man-God, Insan Kamil or Perfected Man within us, where God and Man are One
Outline & Summary Version - of Spiritual Letter 60 "Brief Outline" - with a short summary of each Topic - for Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 Page 1 of 5 - which is the page you are now reading 2-0. Thank You - for your friendship 5-0. Jesus Told Us - "But the time cometh when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs" Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), and of His Children (Ral.), is the coming of the "Comforter", the "Spirit of Truth" that Jesus (A.S.) promised to send us 7-0. The World of Sin - is to love and trust only in the world on the "outside" of us within us and in the world on the "outside" of us, but we cannot have 2 masters Page 2 of 5 - click HERE to go to Page 02
8-2. Why Does An Apple Seed Germinate? - through awareness and acceptance 8-3. Which of The Four Religions Is Correct? - they are all correct 8-4. Bawa Teaches Us - "Man Is God In The Forgetting Of Himself", and "If you are there God is not there, and if God is there you are not there" 8-5. Bawa Teaches Us - "The understanding of today becomes the enemy of tomorrow" Page 3 of 5 - click HERE to go to Page 03
8-6-0. Jesus Didn't Die For Our Sins - Jesus died "So we could sin" 8-6-1. Understanding The "Truth of You" - before it is too late, before you die 8-6-2. The "Gift of God" For Your Age - is what you must find & become "One with" 8-6-3. Can You Not Do At Least - what an apple seed does, and die to your "outside" 8-6-4. For In Truth - Jesus (A.S) and the Prophet Muhammad (Sal.) are One 8-6-5. Where It All Starts Within You - in the pit of fire within you, with faith, or Iman 8-6-6. This Is Why You Do This "Heart's Work" - because now "you understand it" 8-6-7. You Must Do This "Heart's Work" - using God to get to God, not using what God has discarded in you, which is "you" and everything on the "outside" of you Page 4 of 5 - click HERE to go to Page 04
8-6-08. The True Meaning - of the coming of Jesus (A.S.) and of Muhammad (Sal.) is separating from you what separates you from each other, and from God 8-6-09. So The "Outside Versions" of Christianity & Islam - truly missed the point 8-6-10. For In Truth - They (peace be upon Them) are all One within you 8-6-11. And In Truth - They (A.S) are all separate on the "outside" of you 8-6-12. So What Must Each of You Do? - you must trust and love only in God within you, and you must find and become "One with" the "Gift of God" for your age 8-6-13. So You Become The "Form of The Shaikh" - as He becomes "your soul" 8-7-00. So The Goal of Life - is becoming "One With" God within us, before we die to the "outside" of us, not "working for wages" to get into heaven after we die Page 5 of 5 - click HERE to go to Page 05
8-8. So What Are We To Do? - if we didn't get it right the first time around 8-9. Perhaps the Disciples Who Have Been Successful - like perhaps the Disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him) was at the time of Jesus (peace be upon Him), can help us 8-10.For As The Last Commandment - Jesus (peace be upon Him) teaches us that we must "Love our brother and sister as ourselves", and "Treat Them as He has treated us" 9-0. The World of Truth - is to love and trust only in God within us 9-1. The 73 Groups Within All Human Lives - provides a simple explanation of "Why we are here", the "True danger of being here", and "True success" before we die 10. The World of Judgment - is joining with God within us to destroy the "beast" within us with the "light of the soul" within us, after the "beast" emerges out of at least one of us and destroys the world on the "outside" of all of us
"Expanded Outline" - with a longer summary of some Topics - for Page 1 only
Page 1 of 4 - which is the page you are now reading
1-0. Opening Prayer - Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all 2-0. Thank You - for your friendship a wonderful summer, reading the "Gospel of John" that you and Joan gave to this child, reading it at the feet of God for our age, of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and of God within Him. Amen belong to God and to God alone. Only God is Great God be pleased with each of Us). Amen speak unto you in proverbs" 6-0. The Significance - of the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) in our age is accepting Him as the "Comforter", as the "Spirit of Truth" for our age, that Jesus (peace be upon Him) promised to sent unto us, to speak to us without proverbs, without any veils, to teach us all the things that we could not bear to hear, at the time of Jesus (peace be upon Him) in the world, accepting Him in our age as the One who will reprove the world of sin, reprove the world of righteousness, open up the world of truth within us, if we will only let Him, and finally reprove the world of judgment, in our age (reprove - implies an often kindly intent to correct a fault, for example, "gently reproved my table manners"), in this way, accepting Him as the One who will lovingly and gently reprove each of us of our faults, and in this way, accepting Him as the One who will complete within us, again if we will only let Him, everything that Jesus (peace be upon Him), and Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), and Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), before Him, promised Their Followers, even though Their followers may not want to hear it, because they have become comfortable with their current understanding and practices 7-0. The World of Sin - is to love and trust only in the world on the "outside" of us, and in this way, it is to become a member of one of the first 70 groups within the 73 groups of man within us, of the 73 groups that are mixed within all human lives, a member of one of the first 70 groups within us, as being one of those for whom there is no judgment after they die to the world on the "outside" of them, because they have already chosen hell within them, they have already by their qualities and actions decided on hell for eternity within them, they have already established an eternal life of "separation from" God within them, for when they die, and in this way, they have become one of those living in hell both here and in the next world the world on the "outside" of us, & in this way, it is to become a member of either the 71st, or the 72nd group within us, of either the group within us that trusts in both God and the world, and/or of the group within us that loves both God and the world, respectively, that is, to become one of those who are still straddling the fence when they die, up to the day they die to the world on the "outside" of us, and as a result they are the only two groups within us, out of the 73 groups within us, who go to judgment when they die to the world on the "outside" of us, the only two groups who after meeting the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him) within us, experience the "suffering of the grave" within us, and then Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within us
"Text of Spiritual Letter" - for Page 01 only 1-0. Opening Prayer
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all. 2-0. Thank You - for your friendship
2-1. To: Pierce and Doloris Pelouze - thank you for the wonderful Class Reunion
We would like to thank both you and your dear wife Dolores again for the wonderful Class Reunion that you and the rest of the Steering Committee put together. It was really well planned and executed.
Over the last 6 months we have had a chance to reflect upon all of the activities and sharing that we were able to have during that time, and realized how important it has been for my life, allowing this child to come to closure in many areas of my life, and open up some new areas that need to be investigate, which we are starting to do. Already we are looking forward to the next one, that is, the 50th Reunion.
Also we have really missed the Boy's Luncheon and look forward to starting it up again now that Paul has gotten the wilderness out of his mind and desire, at least until next summer. Hopefully Paul and I will be able to attend the next one.
This letter to both you and Dolores, and to Paul and Joan, is the culmination of a wonderful summer project of reading and studying the "Gospel of John" from the Holy Bible, that Paul and Joan gave to this child during our travel to the Class Reunion.
It is really an amazing little book which we have been reviewing for the last 6 months, trying to compare it to the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), as He encouraged all of us to do when He was still living with us in the world, and in this way, trying to show from my heart that they are the same, and in this way, that we are the same, in our belief in God within us, only different facets of the same gem.
In this way, trying to show that what is in this little book and what we learned and experienced from His Holiness, in the over 10,000 discourses and songs that His Holiness gave to us, from October 8th, 1971, when His Holiness first came to America from Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), which is located off the coast of India, until December 8th, 1986, when His Holiness died, are the same, only what has come now is without any veils.
For as our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), told us, about this "Gift of God" for our age, that He gave to us, over and over again, during His 15 plus years in America,
At the end of time, which is now, God would send One who would again share with the world everything that had been given to them before, by all of the 124,000 Prophets, Heavenly Beings, and Lights of God, over and over again during the last 200 million years, since Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them) came into the world, after Their fall from grace.
And everyone would hear it, and everyone would understand it, and all that would be left is do we want it, do we want an eternal life of "Oneness with" God, or do we want an eternal life of "separation from" God, because in truth these are the only two choices.
That is, do we want to become again "One with" God within us, but this time with an understanding of that Oneness, so it will never leave us again, doing all of this before we die to the "outside" of us, or do we want to continue to live on the "outside" of us, to continue to live a life of "separation from" God, of "separation from" each other, and of "separation from" the Creation of God within us, until we die to the "outside" of us, and then get an eternal life of "separation from" God as our reward.
The choice is ours, not God's, because God has already made His choice, and He chose "Oneness with" us, and that is why we are alive on the "outside" us, but now, before we die, we must also choose, we must also choose between God within us, which is our true state, a state of "Oneness and Unity", of "Justice and Truth", and of "Compassion and Unity", all occurring within us, or "us" on the "outside" of us, which is our false state, a state of "separation and differences", of "arrogance, karma, and illusion", of "desire for earth, women, and gold", and of "body, trick, and danger", all occurring on the "outside" of us.
In this way, we must choose between our "inside" and our "outside". We must choose between our truth and our falsehood before we die to the "outside" of us, before we die to the "school of contrasts" that God has given us on the "outside" of us, a "school of contrasts" that allows us to make this choice, through the gradual process of coming to an understanding of the difference between the two, between our inside and our "outside", between our truth and our falsehood, for "understanding only occurs through contrast", and whatever we choose is what we will next get, for eternity, whatever we choose is what we will get in the next world, in the hereafter, is what we will then get for eternity.
For as Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us,
"The justice of God is that whatever we intend is what we will receive".
My dearest loving brother Pierce and my dearest loving sister Dolores, such is the true significance of the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) for our age, at least from the perspective of this child, who met His Holiness almost 30 years ago, in August of 1975, as a mere lad of 35, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, ending for me the "darkness" of my life, when we did not really know "who I was", or "where I was", or "what was happening" in my life, all of which was beautifully summarized for me in asong to God Bawa sang at that time, which was given the title,
"The night is finally over."
My dearest loving brother Pierce and my dearest loving sister Dolores, please read this letter from your brother Louie, and from Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral), which is the name that His Holiness gave to this child in 1980 [Shaikh means "teacher", and Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) means "the bringer of the Pure Light of truth], and please try to find the clarity in your heart to send this letter to all of our Classmates, as everyone should be allowed to choose to either accept or reject this "Gift of God" for our age. Please try to do this. Thank you.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brother Pierce and my dearest loving sister Dolores - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler). Please never forget or doubt that. Amen.
2-2. To: Paul and Joan Sturgis - thank you for your very nice letter
We too have had a wonderful summer. Thank you for your very nice letter, it really comforted my heart, as we thought perhaps our openness at the Class Reunion about the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) had somehow offended either you or Joan.
If so, please forgive us, we are just a fool trying to live at the feet of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), trying to again become "One with" God within us before we die to the "outside" of us.
And as Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us to say, at the bottom of page 7, in the "Forward" to the beautiful book of wisdom, that His Holiness gave to us in 1945, at the conclusion of the 2nd World War, in the book,
"Forgive me the wrong and accept the good. So I request". Amen.
And "yes" we would love to again join with our dear brother Paul to attend the next Boy's Luncheon, on Tuesday December 7, 2004. We will be looking for you as usual around 11 A.M. at our home in Ardmore. Thank you again for asking.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brother Paul and my dearest loving sister Joan - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler). Please never forget or doubt that. Amen.
3-0. The "Gospel of John" - Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. All praise and praise belong to God and to God alone. Only God is Great.
We have spent the summer studying the copy of the "Gospel of John" that you and your dear wife Joan gave to this child at the Class Reunion, and through it, and through our relationship with our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and with God within Him, we have grown deeper in our love and faith and trust in God within us.
Always remembering that as Jesus (peace be upon Him) taught us over 2000 years ago, and as Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us in our age, and now as His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) continue to teach us each day, since the passing of His Holiness on December 8th, 1986,
"If two of you come together in My Name, I will be there".
In this way, we are all truly blessed by God to have each other, and to have the heritage and birthright of the 124,000 Prophets, Heavenly Beings, and Lights of God, and we should never forget the truth of our life that each of Them brought into each age, and into each race, each religion, and each people in each age, over and over again for the last 200 million years, the truth that, "Only God exists" within us, and that "God is One" within us. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. All praise and praising belong to God and to God alone. Only God is Great.
May we all accept and disappear within this truth of our life, before it is too late, in this way, becoming "One with" God within us, before we die to the "outside" of us. Amen.
4-0. Review of the "Gospel of John"
One of the things that Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) encouraged His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) to do, when He was physically living with us in the world, was to review other religious scriptures, like the Holy Bible, and the Holy Qur'an, and compare what is said in each of these books, from earlier times, to what His Holiness, through the grace and mercy and compassion of God, is teaching us in our age, and to see how in truth they are the same, but this time without any veils.
[Note: to read an On-line copy of the "Original Version" of the "Gospel of John" as well as a "Review" of some of its Chapters by the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with each of Us), for example, by this child, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler), please click on the following: "The Gospel of John", which has the following URL or Web Address: (www.GospelOfJohn.homestead.com). Also, when a Chapter in the "Gospel of John" is referenced in the rest of this letter, you can access it On-line by clicking on the Chapter number. For example, like clicking on Chapter 16 below, which has the following URL: (www.GospelOfJohnChapter16.homestead.com). Thank you. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar]
5-0. Jesus (peace be upon Him) Told Us - "But the time cometh when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs"
For as Jesus (peace be upon Him) teaches us in Chapter 16, verse 25, of the "Gospel of John",
"These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father."
And in the same Chapter, Chapter 16, in verses 1 to 14, Jesus (peace be upon Him) teaches us,
--------- beginning of the Quote from the "Gospel of John" (16:1-14) ------------
"These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended. They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor Me
But these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them. And these things I said not unto you at the beginning, because I was with you. But now I go My way to Him that sent Me; and none of you asketh Me, Whither goest thou?
But because I have said these things unto you, sorrow hath filled your heart. Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the "Comforter" will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send Him unto you.
And when He is come, He will reprove the world of sin, and (reprove the world) of righteousness, and (reprove the world) of judgment:
1) (He will reprove the world) of sin, because they believe not on Me; 2) (He will reprove the world) of righteousness, because I go to My Father, and ye see Me no more; 3) (And He will reprove the world) of judgment, because the prince of this world (of darkness) is judged.
I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when He, the "Spirit of truth", is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will shew you things to come.
He shall glorify Me: for He shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. All things that the Father hath are Mine: therefore said I, that He shall take of Mine, and shall shew it unto you."
----------------- end of the Quote from the "Gospel of John" (16:1-14) ---------------
6-0. The Significance - of the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), and of His Children (Ral.), in our age
The significance of the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) and of His Children (Ral.) in our age is accepting Him as the "Comforter", as the "Spirit of Truth" for our age, that Jesus (peace be upon Him) promised to sent unto us, to speak to us without proverbs, without any veils, to teach us all the things that we could not bear to hear, at the time of Jesus (peace be upon Him) living in the world.
Is accepting Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) and His Children (Ral.) in our age as the One who will reprove the world of sin, reprove the world of righteousness, open up the world of truth within us, if we will only let Him, and finally reprove the world of judgment, in our age.
(Note: "reprove" implies an often kindly intent to correct a fault, for example, "gently reproved my table manners")
In this way, accepting Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) and His Children (Ral.) in our age as the One who will lovingly and gently reprove each of us of our faults, making us acceptable to God, before we die to the "outside" of us.
And in this way, accepting Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) and His Children (Ral.) in our age as the One who will complete within us, everything that is still incomplete within us, again if we will only let Him, everything that Jesus (peace be upon Him), and Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), and Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), before Him, promised Their Followers, even though Their followers may not want to hear it, because they have become comfortable with their current religious understanding and practices
And for this child, this is the great significance of the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) and of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), in our age, His Holiness and now His Children (Ral.) is the "Comforter", the "Spirit of Truth", that Jesus (peace be upon Him) has sent unto us, in our age, to speak to us without proverbs, without any veils, to teach us now all the things that we could not bear to hear then, at the time of Jesus (peace be upon Him) living in the world, and in this way, His Holiness nd now His Children (Ral.) is the One who will reprove the world of sin within us, and reprove the world of righteousness within us, and open the world of truth within us, if we will only let Him, and in this way, reprove the world of judgment in our age.
7-0. The World of Sin - is to love and trust only in the world on the "outside" of us
The One in our age who will reprove the world of sin within us, that is, reprove those that we see in our ignorance as living in the world "outside" of us, including "ourselves", living as "separate from" God, as "separate from" each other, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, who have no faith or trust in God within us, because they believe not on Jesus (peace be upon Him) over 2000 years ago, not on Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) over 1400 years ago, and not on Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him) over 1000 years ago.
And now they believe not on the life and teaching of God for our age, which for this child is the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and finally after the passing of His Holiness on December 8th, 1986, from the "outside" of us, now in our age, they believe not on the life and teaching of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), with the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with each of Us) being each of us living in the world in this age, if that be our true intention, that is, if the true intention of our life is to become "One with" God within us, before we die to the world on the "outside" of us.
8-0. The World of Righteousness - is trying to love and trust in both, in both God within us and in the world on the "outside" of us, but we cannot have 2 masters
And the One in our age who will reprove the world of righteousness within us, that is, the world of those of us who are still living in the world on the "outside" of us but with some faith and trust in God within us, still living as "separate from" God within us, as "separate from" each other, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, and doing it all on the "outside" of us, striking this compromise so we can continue to live in the world on the "outside" of us, and continue to sin, that is, continue to live a life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, yet still professing our love and trust in God on the "outside" of us, so that we will feel good and safe, and hopefully be accepted by God into some heaven when we die to the world on the "outside" of us.
In this way, the sin of Righteousness is trying to have it both way, trying to have the best of both worlds, so to speak, both now and later, trying to love and trust in both God within us and the world that we see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us.
And doing this, trying to maintain this delicate balance, because we have missed the point of our life, we have missed the point of the coming of the 124,000 Prophets of God into the world, which is for each of us to become "One with" God within us before we die to the world on the "outside" of us.
And doing this, trying to maintain our life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, because we have missed the point of our life, the point that Jesus (peace be upon Him), and Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), and Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him) previously brought into our life.
And now in our age, the point that our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) has brought into the world on the "outside" of us, and finally now on this day in this age, the same point that the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with each of us) are again bringing into our life, over and over again, which is the same point that all of the 124,000 Prophets of God, Heavenly Beings, and Lights of God, have brought into each age, into each race and religion, over and over again, the point that in truth "We are all One".
That in truth They within Us, and Us within Them, and all of "us" still living in our ignorance on the "outside" of us, are all One, are in truth the "One Reflection" of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us for each age, for each race, and for each people, so the people in each age can join with God within us to complete what God is doing within us, join with God within us to complete what God has sent each of us into the world to complete, which is what God and True Man are doing within us, which is revealing the "Oneness of God" within us, revealing the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us.
With each of us doing this by joining with our wisdom within us, and with the truth of God within our wisdom, for our age, to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, by first revealing True Man to True Man within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man within us, and again doing all of this before we die to the world on the "outside" of us, because then, after death, it is too late for any of this Divine Work, for any of this "Heart's Work" to occur within us, as His Holiness calls it. Amen.
In this way, with each of us doing this by becoming "One with" God within us, and "One with" all of the "Stuff of God" within us, like the grace, the wisdom, and the 'ilm or divine knowledge of God within us, and again doing all of this before we die to the "outside" of us, and through this state of "Oneness" within us, this state of Man-God, or "Perfected Man" or Insan Kamil within us, where God and Man are One within us, standing as One in the One place within us, doing as One the One thing within us, through this state to come to an understanding of "who we already are", which is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, an understanding which we can then share with God within us for eternity within us. Amen.
In this way, with each of Them within us, with each of the 124,000 Prophets, Heavenly Beings, and Lights of God within us, going back to Our Father within us when They leave the world on the "outside" of us, and in this way, we will see Them no more, unless as Jesus (peace be upon Him) teaches us, we have become "One with" Them before They leave the world on the "outside" of us, for then, as Jesus (peace be upon Him) teaches us, in Chapter 16, verse 16, in a little while we will see Them again,
"A little while, and ye shall not see Me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see Me, because I go to the Father".
For example, the clarity within the heart of this child tells us that this was the state of the Disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him) at the time of Jesus (peace be upon Him), of Barnabus (peace be upon Him) as the One "loved by Jesus", as the One who wrote the "Gospel of John", and as the One about whom Jesus (peace be upon Him) said to Simon Peter (peace be upon Him) at the end of Chapter 21, verse 22,
"If I will that he (Barnabus) tarry till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou Me."
In this way, the Disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him), the 13th Disciple of Jesus (peace be upon Him), is the Disciple of Jesus (peace be upon Him) that our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us lived for over 600 years after Jesus (peace be upon Him) left the world, doing this at the direction of Jesus (peace be upon Him), in order to personally greet the Prophet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) in the name of God, and in the name of Jesus (peace be upon Him).
In this way, the Disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him) within us personally connects the life and teaching of Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, with the life and teaching of Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) within us, showing that in truth they are One within us, with Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) within us bringing to completion what Jesus (peace be upon Him) starts within us, which is opening the 7th heaven within us.
And in this way, with Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) within us opening the 8th heaven or firdaus or the kingdom of God within us, within the 7th heaven within us, and then opening the "Secret World of Allah" within us, where "True Prayer" occurs within us, as the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us, which starts with God communing directly with all of the 124,000 Prophets, Heavenly Beings, and Lights of God within us, when the Prophet Muhammad's (blessing and peace be upon Him) completes His 20 year journey through the 70,000 veils of "separation" within us, which is our mind and desire, which are the "schemes of our mind" and the "veils of hypocrisy" within us, the journey known as Mi'raj within us, culminating in the "Night of Power" traditionally observed during the Holy Month of Ramadan by Muslims. Amen.
My dearest loving brother Paul and sister Joan, this is some of what this little child took from studying the "Gospel of John" at the feet of God for our age, at the feet of our Father this summer, of our Father, Shaihk Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), a study which we now humbly share with our dear brother and sister.
8-1. The Sin of Righteousness - is trying to have it both ways, both God and the world
So what is the "Sin of the Righteousness", in the age of Jesus (peace be upon Him) and His Disciples (peace be upon Them), and now in the age of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) and of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us)?
Well the clarity within the heart of this child, living at the feet of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and of God within Him, tells us that we commit the "Sin of Righteousness" when we have mistakenly become one of the "Righteous", when we have mistakenly joined a group of the "Righteous" on the "outside" of us, like groups on the outside of us called Hindus, Zoroastrians, Christians, Muslims, Jews, and now in our age, members of the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, doing this "mind and desire work" on the "outside" of us, rather than joining with God within us to do a little "wisdom work" on the inside of us, rather than becoming one of the "Children of God" for our age, that is, rather than moving from the 71st and 72nd groups within us, who try to trust and love in both, in both God within us and the in the world on the "outside" of us, rather than moving into the 73 group within us, who trust and love only in God within us, and doing all of this "Heart's Work, this moving into the 73rd group within us, before we die to the "outside" of us.
(Note: for more on the 73 groups within all human lives us, and on moving from the 71st and 72nd groups of the "Righteous" within us, into the 73rd group of the "Children of God" within us, please click on the following: 9-1. The 73 Groups Within All Human Lives, which is a later Topic in Page 2 of this letter, once on Page 2 click on Topic 9-1, which provides a simple explanation of "Why we are here", the "True danger of being here", and "True success" before we die, or keep reading and get to this Topic later in Page 2 of this letter. Thank you. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar)
In this way, we commit the "Sin of Righteousness" when we refuse to give up our "outside" of us, before we die to the "outside" of us, and continue to sin on the "outside" of us, continue to live a life of "separation and differences", of "arrogance, karma, and illusion", of "desire for earth, women, and gold", of "body, trick, and danger", on the "outside" of us, and instead try to "act like" we believe in God on the "outside" of us, for example by joining a group of "Righteous" on the "outside" of us, and in this way, we commit the "Sin of Righteousness" when we have mistakenly become one who "talks the walk" but does not truly "walk the walk", as they say today in the world of "Rap", when we have mistakenly become a "hypocrite", we have mistakenly become one who talks about God on the "outside" of us but who have not truly become one of "His Children" within us, who have not truly become "One with" God within us before we die to the "outside" of us.
In this way, my dearest loving brother and sister, we commit the "Sin of Righteousness" when instead of becoming a "Child of God" who is "One with" God within us, and doing this before we die to the world on the "outside" of us, we have become one who has been tricked by our own mind and desire within us, and by our own speech on the "outside" of us, into thinking that because we talk about God and talk about the qualities and actions of God, we somehow have built a relationship with God within us, and have somehow become the qualities and actions of God on the "outside" of us, and have somehow become worthy of a place near God, in some heaven of God, after we die.
But it is not true, because this way of believing and acting, as a hypocrite, as one who is trying to love and trust in both God and the world at the same time, is what leads us to hell within us, to an eternal life of "separation from" God within us, when "what we say" and "what we do" are not the same, keeping one thing in our heart and another on our lips, and also this is what destroys our children, not the world around us, or too much TV.
For as Bawa teaches us,
"What destroys the children of the world is the hypocrisy of the parents."
So, Bawa teaches us,
"Stop working for wages to get into heaven, you will be very disappointed. Instead, join in partnership with God within you, to complete what God has started within you, which is to reveal God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you."
And in this way, my dearest loving brother Paul and my dearest loving sister Joan, this is the grave "Sin of Righteousness", that we have all fallen into, to one degree or another, but which we can all correct before we die to the world "outside" of us, if that be our true intention, that is, if the true intention of our life is to become "One with" God within us before we die to the "outside" of us.
For in truth, perhaps we have not yet done this, perhaps we have not yet done what we came here to do, which is to become "One with" God within us before we die to the "outside" of us.
And if we haven't yet done this or are not sure, then this is certainly something that each of us must personally look into, before it is too late, before we die to the outside of us, and before we get too old, because then in the later years of our life, even if we come to realize our mistake, we may not then have the strength needed to join with God within us to finish what God has started within us. May we all think about this a little. It is very, very important. Amen.
So if we have not yet done this "Heart's Work" within us, if we have not yet become "One with" God within us, if we have not yet truly become one of the "Children of God" for our age, if we have not yet moved from the 71st and 72nd groups within us into the 73rd group within us, if we have not yet done this with our life, and with the "Gift of God" for our age, then what have we done with our life and with the "Gift of God" for each age, and more specifically, with the "Gift of God" for our age.
Well perhaps all that we have done with the life and teaching of Jesus (peace be upon Him) over 2000 years ago, and of Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) over 1400 years ago, and of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him) over 1000 years ago, and now of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) in our own age, is just talk about it, that is, we have learned to "talk the walk" but we still need to actually "walk the walk".
We still need to become "One with" the life and teaching of Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, and "One with" the life and teaching of Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) within us, and "One with" the life and teaching of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and now in our age, "One with" the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and now finally, with the passing of His Holiness from the "outside" of us, we need to become "One with" the life and teaching of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, before we die to the world on the "outside" of us, or we will never see Them again.
For as Jesus (peace be upon Him) warned us in the "Gospel of John" in Chapter 16, starting in Verse 6, and ending in Verse 13,
--------- beginning of the Quote from the "Gospel of John" (16: 6-13) ------------
"But because I have said these things unto you, sorrow hath filled your heart. Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the "Comforter" will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send Him unto you.
And when He is come, He will reprove the world of sin, and (reprove the world) of righteousness, and (reprove the world) of judgment:
1) (He will reprove the world) of sin, because they believe not on Me; 2) (He will reprove the world) of righteousness, because I go to My Father, and ye see Me no more; 3) (And He will reprove the world) of judgment, because the prince of this world (of darkness) is judged.
I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when He, the "Spirit of truth", is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will shew you things to come."
--------- end of the Quote from the "Gospel of John" (16: 6-13) ------------
So if we are truly guilty of the "Sin of Righteousness" in our age, Jesus (peace be upon Him) Himself warns us that we will never see Jesus (peace be upon Him) again, if we have failed to become "One with" God within us, before we die to the "outside" of us.
And it is to correct this very "Sin of Righteousness" within each of us that Jesus (peace be upon Him) has sent to each of us in our age the life and teaching of God for our age, which at least for this child is the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), as the "Comforter", as the "Spirit of Truth" for our age, to give each of us the opportunity, if we truly want it, to see Jesus (peace be upon Him) again, and to see again all of the other 124,000 Prophets, Heavenly Beings, and Lights of God that are truly within each of us, just waiting, along with Jesus (peace be upon Him) to be revealed within us again, and doing all of the before we die to the "outside" of us. Amen.
And in this way, such is the grave "Sin of Righteousness" that is perhaps within each of us living in this age, so grave that if not corrected before we die to the "outside" of us, we will never see Them again, because in truth They are "who we already are", in the same way that an apple tree, and all of its roots, branches, flowers, and fruits is "already what an apple seed is", is already what an apple seed buried within the earth, in ignorance of itself is, what it "already is", and all that is necessary for all of these things hidden within the apple seed to be revealed, that is, for all of these hidden things within the apple seed buried within the earth to be revealed in their fullness, is for the apple seed to germinate.
And if the apple seed doesn't germinate, than it will never see these "apple things" within it again, it will have forever broken its connection to all of these "apple things" hidden within it, that it came to the earth, to join with the earth, to reveal, to reveal before it dies and rots in the earth, only to be absorbed into the earth and be re-born, to be re-born over and over again, but never again as an apple seed, never again as an apple seed buried within the earth with all of the "apple things" hidden within it.
Never again to be born as an apple seed with these "apple stories" hidden within it, with the story of the apple hidden within the story of the apple tree within it, and the story of the apple tree hidden within the story of the apple within it, never again to be born as what can tell these hidden "apple stories" within it, never again to be born as what can join with the earth before it dies, can germinate, to tell the story of the apple tree hidden within it, and can then join with the apple tree it has become to tell the story of the apple hidden within it, and within that apple, again revealing the apple seed.
And such is our own fate, if we aren't very careful and wise, my dearest loving brother Paul and my dearest loving sister Joan, if we fail to germinate, before we die to the "outside" of us, before we die within the "earth of God" within us, which is the Creation of God within us.
For then we too will have forever broken our connection to all of the "Things of God" hidden within us, that we came to the earth, to join with the earth, to reveal, that we came to this temporary earth world within us, that His Holiness calls the dunya, which is the Creation of God within us, that we came to this earth world within us to join with the Creation of God within us, to reveal, to reveal what God has lovingly and personally placed within each of us, a very, very long time ago, even before we came here, to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, by first revealing True Man to True Man within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man within us, and to do all of this before we die and rot in the earth within us.
And if we fail to do this, if we fail to germinate, if we fail to join in partnership with God within us, before we die to the "outside" of us, if we fail to do this, if we fail to do this "Heart's Work" within us, to become again "One with" God within us, but this time with an understanding of that "Oneness" within us so it will never leave us again, if we failed to do this before we die to the "outside" of us, if we fail to germinate in this way, then when we do eventually die to the world on the "outside" of us, which in truth is really the earth world within us, then like the apple seed that fails to germinate, we too will be absorbed into the earth world within us and be re-born, be re-born over and over again.
Ending as His Holiness teaches us, ending eventually after 105 million re-births as a worm in hell with only one level of consciousness, which is feeling, but never again to appear as the "Seed of God" within us, as the "Seed of God" with the story of True Man within the story of God within us, and as the "Seed of True Man", within the story of God within the story of True Man within us, but never again to appear as what God created to tell these "God and True Man stories" again.
And in this way, what a loss, what a loss then is our life, what a loss just because we wanted to continue to live on the "outside" of us for a very, very short time and sin, until we die to the "outside" of us, until the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him) finally catches us, and drags us screaming and kicking to hell, first to the suffering of the grave where we meet first hand what we have given life to within us other than God within us, and other than the "Things of God" within us, then to Qiyamah, to the "Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment" where all of the parts of our body testify to God about what we made them do in the world on the "outside" of us, all the while with us not allowed to say anything in our defense, and then off to 105 million rebirths, ending as a worm in hell with only one level of consciousness, or feeling, and in this way, off to an eternal life of "separation from" God. What a loss!
Again, my dearest loving brother Paul and my dearest loving sister Joan, something to think about a little. Something for all of us living in this age to think about. That is for sure. Amen.
"So why does an apple seed germinate?"
Lets next hear the Answer to this Question that our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) gave to us, that He gave to His Children one day "In-the-room", which follows in the next section, Section 8-2, "Why Does An Apple Seed Germinate?", as part of Page 2 of this letter, a Question and Answer that was given to us by His Holiness during the Holy "Month of Ramadan" in 1986, a few months before His Holiness died on December 8th, 1986. Ok? A Question and Answer that changed the life of this child forever. Amen.
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Title: "Understanding the Sin of Righteousness - which is trying to love and trust in both, in both God within us and in the world on the "outside" of us" Date Written: October to December, 2004 Date Sent: December, 2004 Written by: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) Written to: Paul & Joan Sturgis, and Pierce & Dolores Pelouze, HMHS Class of 1956
"Brief Outline" - with a short summary of each Topic - for Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Page 1 of 5
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
Introduction - to Spiritual Letter 60
Here is a copy of the beautiful letter of wisdom that was sent to two of my dearest loving brothers and sisters from High School, Mr. Paul Sturgis and his wife Joan, and Mr. Pierce Pelouze and his wife Dolores, from the 1956 Class of the Haddonfield Memorial High School in South Jersey, USA.
In April of 2004 we attended a 47.5 Class Reunion for the HMHS Class of 56. At that time Paul and his dear wife Joan gave this child a copy of the "Gospel of John" from the Holy Bible to read, as they are both Christians, as a way to 'bring me over to their side", even though we tried to explain to them that we are already "on their side", but that we are practicing what they believe as occurring "within us", not as occurring on the "outside" of us, that in truth all of the religions are one, just simply different facets of the same gem, which is God within us, and that all of the religions can be practiced as either an "inside" or an "outside" thing.
And that what we have learned from the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), is that our "outside" religious understanding and practices must at some point give way to the "truth of us", which is "God happening" within us, and the "truth of God" within us, which is "True Man happening" within God within us, as "Truth surrendering to Truth" within us, if we are ever to see God again, just as a baby must give up his breast milk, even though it feels good and makes him feel safe and secure, and move on to solid food, if he is to properly grow up and reach his full potential. Amen.
Review of The "Gospel of John"
Over the last 6 months we have been studying the "Gospel of John", at the feet of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and of God within Him, and this letter is an attempt by this child, at the direction of God within Him, to share what we have learned about God and True Man within us, and about the "Stuff of God" within us, like the wisdom, the soul, and the truth of God within us, with our dear High School Classmates, with Paul and Joan, and with Pierce and Dolores, and which we are now sharing with each of you, as members of the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, also at the direction of God within us. Amen.
We have documented our review of the "Gospel of John" as a Web Page, making it part of the "Main Menu" of the On-line Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library which you can access by clicking on the following: Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library - Home Page (www.GospelOfJohn.homestead.com).
To date (as of 11/17/04) we have partially reviewed Chapters 01 & 02 and completed our review of the following Chapters from the "Gospel of John", which you can also access directly by clicking on the Chapter numbers below:
Partially Reviewed: - still in process
Chapter 01 - "The Work of God, Jesus, and John, as The Witness of Jesus" (www.GospelOfJohnChapter01.homestead.com) Chapter 02 - "Jesus Comes as Our Judgment & Our Salvation"
Completed Our Review:
Chapter 12 - "Jesus Explains The Significance of His Coming" Chapter 13 - "Jesus Explains His Last Commandment" Chapter 14 - "Jesus Explains How To Proceed, Now That He Is Leaving" Chapter 15 - "Jesus Explains How He Is The True Vine" Chapter 16 - "Jesus Explains the Significance of the "Comforter" - the "Spirit of Truth" that Jesus (peace be upon Him) will send to us after He has left the world, in order to teach us without any veils what we could not bear to hear from Jesus Himself, in order to gently correct (reprove) our faults, guide us into all truth, and to show us things to come Chapter 17 - "Jesus Explains What It Means To Become "One with" Jesus - that is, "One with" Jesus within us, and "One with" God within Him, before we die to the "outside" of us" Chapter 20 - "Jesus Appears To His Disciples, After The Death of Judas" Chapter 21 - "Jesus Appears To His Disciples For The Last Time - telling Simon Peter to "Give up his life in the world" and "Follow Me", and telling His disciples that Barnabus, the disciple whom "Jesus loved", would "Tarry till I come", that is, would stay in the world for over 600 years until the next manifestation of Jesus (peace be upon Him) in the world, as Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), personally giving Muhammad (Sal.) the love and greetings of Jesus (peace be upon Him), before Barnabus (A.S.) died, and in this way, becoming the human bridge between the three, between the wisdom, the soul, and its body.
For as Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) teaches us, Moses (A.S.) is our wisdom, Jesus (A.S.) is our soul liberated by our wisdom from its crucifixion and joined with it, and Muhammad (Sal.) is our heart joined with our wisdom and soul, bringing the Holy Trinity or Triple Flame of God to completion within us, revealing in this way the "One within the Three" within us, which is True Man within God within us, the state of Man-God, Insan Kamil or Perfected Man within us, where God and Man are One
Outline & Summary Version - of Spiritual Letter 60 "Brief Outline" - with a short summary of each Topic - for Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 Page 1 of 5 - which is the page you are now reading 2-0. Thank You - for your friendship 5-0. Jesus Told Us - "But the time cometh when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs" Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), and of His Children (Ral.), is the coming of the "Comforter", the "Spirit of Truth" that Jesus (A.S.) promised to send us 7-0. The World of Sin - is to love and trust only in the world on the "outside" of us within us and in the world on the "outside" of us, but we cannot have 2 masters Page 2 of 5 - click HERE to go to Page 02
8-2. Why Does An Apple Seed Germinate? - through awareness and acceptance 8-3. Which of The Four Religions Is Correct? - they are all correct 8-4. Bawa Teaches Us - "Man Is God In The Forgetting Of Himself", and "If you are there God is not there, and if God is there you are not there" 8-5. Bawa Teaches Us - "The understanding of today becomes the enemy of tomorrow" Page 3 of 5 - click HERE to go to Page 03
8-6-0. Jesus Didn't Die For Our Sins - Jesus died "So we could sin" 8-6-1. Understanding The "Truth of You" - before it is too late, before you die 8-6-2. The "Gift of God" For Your Age - is what you must find & become "One with" 8-6-3. Can You Not Do At Least - what an apple seed does, and die to your "outside" 8-6-4. For In Truth - Jesus (A.S) and the Prophet Muhammad (Sal.) are One 8-6-5. Where It All Starts Within You - in the pit of fire within you, with faith, or Iman 8-6-6. This Is Why You Do This "Heart's Work" - because now "you understand it" 8-6-7. You Must Do This "Heart's Work" - using God to get to God, not using what God has discarded in you, which is "you" and everything on the "outside" of you Page 4 of 5 - click HERE to go to Page 04
8-6-08. The True Meaning - of the coming of Jesus (A.S.) and of Muhammad (Sal.) is separating from you what separates you from each other, and from God 8-6-09. So The "Outside Versions" of Christianity & Islam - truly missed the point 8-6-10. For In Truth - They (peace be upon Them) are all One within you 8-6-11. And In Truth - They (A.S) are all separate on the "outside" of you 8-6-12. So What Must Each of You Do? - you must trust and love only in God within you, and you must find and become "One with" the "Gift of God" for your age 8-6-13. So You Become The "Form of The Shaikh" - as He becomes "your soul" 8-7-00. So The Goal of Life - is becoming "One With" God within us, before we die to the "outside" of us, not "working for wages" to get into heaven after we die Page 5 of 5 - click HERE to go to Page 05
8-8. So What Are We To Do? - if we didn't get it right the first time around 8-9. Perhaps the Disciples Who Have Been Successful - like perhaps the Disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him) was at the time of Jesus (peace be upon Him), can help us 8-10.For As The Last Commandment - Jesus (peace be upon Him) teaches us that we must "Love our brother and sister as ourselves", and "Treat Them as He has treated us" 9-0. The World of Truth - is to love and trust only in God within us 9-1. The 73 Groups Within All Human Lives - provides a simple explanation of "Why we are here", the "True danger of being here", and "True success" before we die 10. The World of Judgment - is joining with God within us to destroy the "beast" within us with the "light of the soul" within us, after the "beast" emerges out of at least one of us and destroys the world on the "outside" of all of us
"Expanded Outline" - with a longer summary of some Topics - for Page 1 only
Page 1 of 4 - which is the page you are now reading
1-0. Opening Prayer - Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all 2-0. Thank You - for your friendship a wonderful summer, reading the "Gospel of John" that you and Joan gave to this child, reading it at the feet of God for our age, of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and of God within Him. Amen belong to God and to God alone. Only God is Great God be pleased with each of Us). Amen speak unto you in proverbs" 6-0. The Significance - of the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) in our age is accepting Him as the "Comforter", as the "Spirit of Truth" for our age, that Jesus (peace be upon Him) promised to sent unto us, to speak to us without proverbs, without any veils, to teach us all the things that we could not bear to hear, at the time of Jesus (peace be upon Him) in the world, accepting Him in our age as the One who will reprove the world of sin, reprove the world of righteousness, open up the world of truth within us, if we will only let Him, and finally reprove the world of judgment, in our age (reprove - implies an often kindly intent to correct a fault, for example, "gently reproved my table manners"), in this way, accepting Him as the One who will lovingly and gently reprove each of us of our faults, and in this way, accepting Him as the One who will complete within us, again if we will only let Him, everything that Jesus (peace be upon Him), and Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), and Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), before Him, promised Their Followers, even though Their followers may not want to hear it, because they have become comfortable with their current understanding and practices 7-0. The World of Sin - is to love and trust only in the world on the "outside" of us, and in this way, it is to become a member of one of the first 70 groups within the 73 groups of man within us, of the 73 groups that are mixed within all human lives, a member of one of the first 70 groups within us, as being one of those for whom there is no judgment after they die to the world on the "outside" of them, because they have already chosen hell within them, they have already by their qualities and actions decided on hell for eternity within them, they have already established an eternal life of "separation from" God within them, for when they die, and in this way, they have become one of those living in hell both here and in the next world the world on the "outside" of us, & in this way, it is to become a member of either the 71st, or the 72nd group within us, of either the group within us that trusts in both God and the world, and/or of the group within us that loves both God and the world, respectively, that is, to become one of those who are still straddling the fence when they die, up to the day they die to the world on the "outside" of us, and as a result they are the only two groups within us, out of the 73 groups within us, who go to judgment when they die to the world on the "outside" of us, the only two groups who after meeting the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him) within us, experience the "suffering of the grave" within us, and then Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within us
"Text of Spiritual Letter" - for Page 01 only 1-0. Opening Prayer
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all. 2-0. Thank You - for your friendship
2-1. To: Pierce and Doloris Pelouze - thank you for the wonderful Class Reunion
We would like to thank both you and your dear wife Dolores again for the wonderful Class Reunion that you and the rest of the Steering Committee put together. It was really well planned and executed.
Over the last 6 months we have had a chance to reflect upon all of the activities and sharing that we were able to have during that time, and realized how important it has been for my life, allowing this child to come to closure in many areas of my life, and open up some new areas that need to be investigate, which we are starting to do. Already we are looking forward to the next one, that is, the 50th Reunion.
Also we have really missed the Boy's Luncheon and look forward to starting it up again now that Paul has gotten the wilderness out of his mind and desire, at least until next summer. Hopefully Paul and I will be able to attend the next one.
This letter to both you and Dolores, and to Paul and Joan, is the culmination of a wonderful summer project of reading and studying the "Gospel of John" from the Holy Bible, that Paul and Joan gave to this child during our travel to the Class Reunion.
It is really an amazing little book which we have been reviewing for the last 6 months, trying to compare it to the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), as He encouraged all of us to do when He was still living with us in the world, and in this way, trying to show from my heart that they are the same, and in this way, that we are the same, in our belief in God within us, only different facets of the same gem.
In this way, trying to show that what is in this little book and what we learned and experienced from His Holiness, in the over 10,000 discourses and songs that His Holiness gave to us, from October 8th, 1971, when His Holiness first came to America from Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), which is located off the coast of India, until December 8th, 1986, when His Holiness died, are the same, only what has come now is without any veils.
For as our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), told us, about this "Gift of God" for our age, that He gave to us, over and over again, during His 15 plus years in America,
At the end of time, which is now, God would send One who would again share with the world everything that had been given to them before, by all of the 124,000 Prophets, Heavenly Beings, and Lights of God, over and over again during the last 200 million years, since Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them) came into the world, after Their fall from grace.
And everyone would hear it, and everyone would understand it, and all that would be left is do we want it, do we want an eternal life of "Oneness with" God, or do we want an eternal life of "separation from" God, because in truth these are the only two choices.
That is, do we want to become again "One with" God within us, but this time with an understanding of that Oneness, so it will never leave us again, doing all of this before we die to the "outside" of us, or do we want to continue to live on the "outside" of us, to continue to live a life of "separation from" God, of "separation from" each other, and of "separation from" the Creation of God within us, until we die to the "outside" of us, and then get an eternal life of "separation from" God as our reward.
The choice is ours, not God's, because God has already made His choice, and He chose "Oneness with" us, and that is why we are alive on the "outside" us, but now, before we die, we must also choose, we must also choose between God within us, which is our true state, a state of "Oneness and Unity", of "Justice and Truth", and of "Compassion and Unity", all occurring within us, or "us" on the "outside" of us, which is our false state, a state of "separation and differences", of "arrogance, karma, and illusion", of "desire for earth, women, and gold", and of "body, trick, and danger", all occurring on the "outside" of us.
In this way, we must choose between our "inside" and our "outside". We must choose between our truth and our falsehood before we die to the "outside" of us, before we die to the "school of contrasts" that God has given us on the "outside" of us, a "school of contrasts" that allows us to make this choice, through the gradual process of coming to an understanding of the difference between the two, between our inside and our "outside", between our truth and our falsehood, for "understanding only occurs through contrast", and whatever we choose is what we will next get, for eternity, whatever we choose is what we will get in the next world, in the hereafter, is what we will then get for eternity.
For as Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us,
"The justice of God is that whatever we intend is what we will receive".
My dearest loving brother Pierce and my dearest loving sister Dolores, such is the true significance of the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) for our age, at least from the perspective of this child, who met His Holiness almost 30 years ago, in August of 1975, as a mere lad of 35, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, ending for me the "darkness" of my life, when we did not really know "who I was", or "where I was", or "what was happening" in my life, all of which was beautifully summarized for me in asong to God Bawa sang at that time, which was given the title,
"The night is finally over."
My dearest loving brother Pierce and my dearest loving sister Dolores, please read this letter from your brother Louie, and from Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral), which is the name that His Holiness gave to this child in 1980 [Shaikh means "teacher", and Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) means "the bringer of the Pure Light of truth], and please try to find the clarity in your heart to send this letter to all of our Classmates, as everyone should be allowed to choose to either accept or reject this "Gift of God" for our age. Please try to do this. Thank you.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brother Pierce and my dearest loving sister Dolores - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler). Please never forget or doubt that. Amen.
2-2. To: Paul and Joan Sturgis - thank you for your very nice letter
We too have had a wonderful summer. Thank you for your very nice letter, it really comforted my heart, as we thought perhaps our openness at the Class Reunion about the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) had somehow offended either you or Joan.
If so, please forgive us, we are just a fool trying to live at the feet of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), trying to again become "One with" God within us before we die to the "outside" of us.
And as Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us to say, at the bottom of page 7, in the "Forward" to the beautiful book of wisdom, that His Holiness gave to us in 1945, at the conclusion of the 2nd World War, in the book,
"Forgive me the wrong and accept the good. So I request". Amen.
And "yes" we would love to again join with our dear brother Paul to attend the next Boy's Luncheon, on Tuesday December 7, 2004. We will be looking for you as usual around 11 A.M. at our home in Ardmore. Thank you again for asking.
My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brother Paul and my dearest loving sister Joan - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler). Please never forget or doubt that. Amen.
3-0. The "Gospel of John" - Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. All praise and praise belong to God and to God alone. Only God is Great.
We have spent the summer studying the copy of the "Gospel of John" that you and your dear wife Joan gave to this child at the Class Reunion, and through it, and through our relationship with our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and with God within Him, we have grown deeper in our love and faith and trust in God within us.
Always remembering that as Jesus (peace be upon Him) taught us over 2000 years ago, and as Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us in our age, and now as His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) continue to teach us each day, since the passing of His Holiness on December 8th, 1986,
"If two of you come together in My Name, I will be there".
In this way, we are all truly blessed by God to have each other, and to have the heritage and birthright of the 124,000 Prophets, Heavenly Beings, and Lights of God, and we should never forget the truth of our life that each of Them brought into each age, and into each race, each religion, and each people in each age, over and over again for the last 200 million years, the truth that, "Only God exists" within us, and that "God is One" within us. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. All praise and praising belong to God and to God alone. Only God is Great.
May we all accept and disappear within this truth of our life, before it is too late, in this way, becoming "One with" God within us, before we die to the "outside" of us. Amen.
4-0. Review of the "Gospel of John"
One of the things that Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) encouraged His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) to do, when He was physically living with us in the world, was to review other religious scriptures, like the Holy Bible, and the Holy Qur'an, and compare what is said in each of these books, from earlier times, to what His Holiness, through the grace and mercy and compassion of God, is teaching us in our age, and to see how in truth they are the same, but this time without any veils.
[Note: to read an On-line copy of the "Original Version" of the "Gospel of John" as well as a "Review" of some of its Chapters by the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with each of Us), for example, by this child, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler), please click on the following: "The Gospel of John", which has the following URL or Web Address: (www.GospelOfJohn.homestead.com). Also, when a Chapter in the "Gospel of John" is referenced in the rest of this letter, you can access it On-line by clicking on the Chapter number. For example, like clicking on Chapter 16 below, which has the following URL: (www.GospelOfJohnChapter16.homestead.com). Thank you. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar]
5-0. Jesus (peace be upon Him) Told Us - "But the time cometh when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs"
For as Jesus (peace be upon Him) teaches us in Chapter 16, verse 25, of the "Gospel of John",
"These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father."
And in the same Chapter, Chapter 16, in verses 1 to 14, Jesus (peace be upon Him) teaches us,
--------- beginning of the Quote from the "Gospel of John" (16:1-14) ------------
"These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended. They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor Me
But these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them. And these things I said not unto you at the beginning, because I was with you. But now I go My way to Him that sent Me; and none of you asketh Me, Whither goest thou?
But because I have said these things unto you, sorrow hath filled your heart. Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the "Comforter" will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send Him unto you.
And when He is come, He will reprove the world of sin, and (reprove the world) of righteousness, and (reprove the world) of judgment:
1) (He will reprove the world) of sin, because they believe not on Me; 2) (He will reprove the world) of righteousness, because I go to My Father, and ye see Me no more; 3) (And He will reprove the world) of judgment, because the prince of this world (of darkness) is judged.
I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when He, the "Spirit of truth", is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will shew you things to come.
He shall glorify Me: for He shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. All things that the Father hath are Mine: therefore said I, that He shall take of Mine, and shall shew it unto you."
----------------- end of the Quote from the "Gospel of John" (16:1-14) ---------------
6-0. The Significance - of the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), and of His Children (Ral.), in our age
The significance of the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) and of His Children (Ral.) in our age is accepting Him as the "Comforter", as the "Spirit of Truth" for our age, that Jesus (peace be upon Him) promised to sent unto us, to speak to us without proverbs, without any veils, to teach us all the things that we could not bear to hear, at the time of Jesus (peace be upon Him) living in the world.
Is accepting Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) and His Children (Ral.) in our age as the One who will reprove the world of sin, reprove the world of righteousness, open up the world of truth within us, if we will only let Him, and finally reprove the world of judgment, in our age.
(Note: "reprove" implies an often kindly intent to correct a fault, for example, "gently reproved my table manners")
In this way, accepting Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) and His Children (Ral.) in our age as the One who will lovingly and gently reprove each of us of our faults, making us acceptable to God, before we die to the "outside" of us.
And in this way, accepting Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) and His Children (Ral.) in our age as the One who will complete within us, everything that is still incomplete within us, again if we will only let Him, everything that Jesus (peace be upon Him), and Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), and Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), before Him, promised Their Followers, even though Their followers may not want to hear it, because they have become comfortable with their current religious understanding and practices
And for this child, this is the great significance of the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) and of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), in our age, His Holiness and now His Children (Ral.) is the "Comforter", the "Spirit of Truth", that Jesus (peace be upon Him) has sent unto us, in our age, to speak to us without proverbs, without any veils, to teach us now all the things that we could not bear to hear then, at the time of Jesus (peace be upon Him) living in the world, and in this way, His Holiness nd now His Children (Ral.) is the One who will reprove the world of sin within us, and reprove the world of righteousness within us, and open the world of truth within us, if we will only let Him, and in this way, reprove the world of judgment in our age.
7-0. The World of Sin - is to love and trust only in the world on the "outside" of us
The One in our age who will reprove the world of sin within us, that is, reprove those that we see in our ignorance as living in the world "outside" of us, including "ourselves", living as "separate from" God, as "separate from" each other, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, who have no faith or trust in God within us, because they believe not on Jesus (peace be upon Him) over 2000 years ago, not on Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) over 1400 years ago, and not on Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him) over 1000 years ago.
And now they believe not on the life and teaching of God for our age, which for this child is the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and finally after the passing of His Holiness on December 8th, 1986, from the "outside" of us, now in our age, they believe not on the life and teaching of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), with the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with each of Us) being each of us living in the world in this age, if that be our true intention, that is, if the true intention of our life is to become "One with" God within us, before we die to the world on the "outside" of us.
8-0. The World of Righteousness - is trying to love and trust in both, in both God within us and in the world on the "outside" of us, but we cannot have 2 masters
And the One in our age who will reprove the world of righteousness within us, that is, the world of those of us who are still living in the world on the "outside" of us but with some faith and trust in God within us, still living as "separate from" God within us, as "separate from" each other, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, and doing it all on the "outside" of us, striking this compromise so we can continue to live in the world on the "outside" of us, and continue to sin, that is, continue to live a life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, yet still professing our love and trust in God on the "outside" of us, so that we will feel good and safe, and hopefully be accepted by God into some heaven when we die to the world on the "outside" of us.
In this way, the sin of Righteousness is trying to have it both way, trying to have the best of both worlds, so to speak, both now and later, trying to love and trust in both God within us and the world that we see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us.
And doing this, trying to maintain this delicate balance, because we have missed the point of our life, we have missed the point of the coming of the 124,000 Prophets of God into the world, which is for each of us to become "One with" God within us before we die to the world on the "outside" of us.
And doing this, trying to maintain our life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, because we have missed the point of our life, the point that Jesus (peace be upon Him), and Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), and Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him) previously brought into our life.
And now in our age, the point that our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) has brought into the world on the "outside" of us, and finally now on this day in this age, the same point that the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with each of us) are again bringing into our life, over and over again, which is the same point that all of the 124,000 Prophets of God, Heavenly Beings, and Lights of God, have brought into each age, into each race and religion, over and over again, the point that in truth "We are all One".
That in truth They within Us, and Us within Them, and all of "us" still living in our ignorance on the "outside" of us, are all One, are in truth the "One Reflection" of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us for each age, for each race, and for each people, so the people in each age can join with God within us to complete what God is doing within us, join with God within us to complete what God has sent each of us into the world to complete, which is what God and True Man are doing within us, which is revealing the "Oneness of God" within us, revealing the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us.
With each of us doing this by joining with our wisdom within us, and with the truth of God within our wisdom, for our age, to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, by first revealing True Man to True Man within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man within us, and again doing all of this before we die to the world on the "outside" of us, because then, after death, it is too late for any of this Divine Work, for any of this "Heart's Work" to occur within us, as His Holiness calls it. Amen.
In this way, with each of us doing this by becoming "One with" God within us, and "One with" all of the "Stuff of God" within us, like the grace, the wisdom, and the 'ilm or divine knowledge of God within us, and again doing all of this before we die to the "outside" of us, and through this state of "Oneness" within us, this state of Man-God, or "Perfected Man" or Insan Kamil within us, where God and Man are One within us, standing as One in the One place within us, doing as One the One thing within us, through this state to come to an understanding of "who we already are", which is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, an understanding which we can then share with God within us for eternity within us. Amen.
In this way, with each of Them within us, with each of the 124,000 Prophets, Heavenly Beings, and Lights of God within us, going back to Our Father within us when They leave the world on the "outside" of us, and in this way, we will see Them no more, unless as Jesus (peace be upon Him) teaches us, we have become "One with" Them before They leave the world on the "outside" of us, for then, as Jesus (peace be upon Him) teaches us, in Chapter 16, verse 16, in a little while we will see Them again,
"A little while, and ye shall not see Me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see Me, because I go to the Father".
For example, the clarity within the heart of this child tells us that this was the state of the Disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him) at the time of Jesus (peace be upon Him), of Barnabus (peace be upon Him) as the One "loved by Jesus", as the One who wrote the "Gospel of John", and as the One about whom Jesus (peace be upon Him) said to Simon Peter (peace be upon Him) at the end of Chapter 21, verse 22,
"If I will that he (Barnabus) tarry till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou Me."
In this way, the Disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him), the 13th Disciple of Jesus (peace be upon Him), is the Disciple of Jesus (peace be upon Him) that our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us lived for over 600 years after Jesus (peace be upon Him) left the world, doing this at the direction of Jesus (peace be upon Him), in order to personally greet the Prophet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) in the name of God, and in the name of Jesus (peace be upon Him).
In this way, the Disciple Barnabus (peace be upon Him) within us personally connects the life and teaching of Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, with the life and teaching of Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) within us, showing that in truth they are One within us, with Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) within us bringing to completion what Jesus (peace be upon Him) starts within us, which is opening the 7th heaven within us.
And in this way, with Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) within us opening the 8th heaven or firdaus or the kingdom of God within us, within the 7th heaven within us, and then opening the "Secret World of Allah" within us, where "True Prayer" occurs within us, as the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us, which starts with God communing directly with all of the 124,000 Prophets, Heavenly Beings, and Lights of God within us, when the Prophet Muhammad's (blessing and peace be upon Him) completes His 20 year journey through the 70,000 veils of "separation" within us, which is our mind and desire, which are the "schemes of our mind" and the "veils of hypocrisy" within us, the journey known as Mi'raj within us, culminating in the "Night of Power" traditionally observed during the Holy Month of Ramadan by Muslims. Amen.
My dearest loving brother Paul and sister Joan, this is some of what this little child took from studying the "Gospel of John" at the feet of God for our age, at the feet of our Father this summer, of our Father, Shaihk Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), a study which we now humbly share with our dear brother and sister.
8-1. The Sin of Righteousness - is trying to have it both ways, both God and the world
So what is the "Sin of the Righteousness", in the age of Jesus (peace be upon Him) and His Disciples (peace be upon Them), and now in the age of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) and of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us)?
Well the clarity within the heart of this child, living at the feet of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and of God within Him, tells us that we commit the "Sin of Righteousness" when we have mistakenly become one of the "Righteous", when we have mistakenly joined a group of the "Righteous" on the "outside" of us, like groups on the outside of us called Hindus, Zoroastrians, Christians, Muslims, Jews, and now in our age, members of the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, doing this "mind and desire work" on the "outside" of us, rather than joining with God within us to do a little "wisdom work" on the inside of us, rather than becoming one of the "Children of God" for our age, that is, rather than moving from the 71st and 72nd groups within us, who try to trust and love in both, in both God within us and the in the world on the "outside" of us, rather than moving into the 73 group within us, who trust and love only in God within us, and doing all of this "Heart's Work, this moving into the 73rd group within us, before we die to the "outside" of us.
(Note: for more on the 73 groups within all human lives us, and on moving from the 71st and 72nd groups of the "Righteous" within us, into the 73rd group of the "Children of God" within us, please click on the following: 9-1. The 73 Groups Within All Human Lives, which is a later Topic in Page 2 of this letter, once on Page 2 click on Topic 9-1, which provides a simple explanation of "Why we are here", the "True danger of being here", and "True success" before we die, or keep reading and get to this Topic later in Page 2 of this letter. Thank you. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar)
In this way, we commit the "Sin of Righteousness" when we refuse to give up our "outside" of us, before we die to the "outside" of us, and continue to sin on the "outside" of us, continue to live a life of "separation and differences", of "arrogance, karma, and illusion", of "desire for earth, women, and gold", of "body, trick, and danger", on the "outside" of us, and instead try to "act like" we believe in God on the "outside" of us, for example by joining a group of "Righteous" on the "outside" of us, and in this way, we commit the "Sin of Righteousness" when we have mistakenly become one who "talks the walk" but does not truly "walk the walk", as they say today in the world of "Rap", when we have mistakenly become a "hypocrite", we have mistakenly become one who talks about God on the "outside" of us but who have not truly become one of "His Children" within us, who have not truly become "One with" God within us before we die to the "outside" of us.
In this way, my dearest loving brother and sister, we commit the "Sin of Righteousness" when instead of becoming a "Child of God" who is "One with" God within us, and doing this before we die to the world on the "outside" of us, we have become one who has been tricked by our own mind and desire within us, and by our own speech on the "outside" of us, into thinking that because we talk about God and talk about the qualities and actions of God, we somehow have built a relationship with God within us, and have somehow become the qualities and actions of God on the "outside" of us, and have somehow become worthy of a place near God, in some heaven of God, after we die.
But it is not true, because this way of believing and acting, as a hypocrite, as one who is trying to love and trust in both God and the world at the same time, is what leads us to hell within us, to an eternal life of "separation from" God within us, when "what we say" and "what we do" are not the same, keeping one thing in our heart and another on our lips, and also this is what destroys our children, not the world around us, or too much TV.
For as Bawa teaches us,
"What destroys the children of the world is the hypocrisy of the parents."
So, Bawa teaches us,
"Stop working for wages to get into heaven, you will be very disappointed. Instead, join in partnership with God within you, to complete what God has started within you, which is to reveal God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you."
And in this way, my dearest loving brother Paul and my dearest loving sister Joan, this is the grave "Sin of Righteousness", that we have all fallen into, to one degree or another, but which we can all correct before we die to the world "outside" of us, if that be our true intention, that is, if the true intention of our life is to become "One with" God within us before we die to the "outside" of us.
For in truth, perhaps we have not yet done this, perhaps we have not yet done what we came here to do, which is to become "One with" God within us before we die to the "outside" of us.
And if we haven't yet done this or are not sure, then this is certainly something that each of us must personally look into, before it is too late, before we die to the outside of us, and before we get too old, because then in the later years of our life, even if we come to realize our mistake, we may not then have the strength needed to join with God within us to finish what God has started within us. May we all think about this a little. It is very, very important. Amen.
So if we have not yet done this "Heart's Work" within us, if we have not yet become "One with" God within us, if we have not yet truly become one of the "Children of God" for our age, if we have not yet moved from the 71st and 72nd groups within us into the 73rd group within us, if we have not yet done this with our life, and with the "Gift of God" for our age, then what have we done with our life and with the "Gift of God" for each age, and more specifically, with the "Gift of God" for our age.
Well perhaps all that we have done with the life and teaching of Jesus (peace be upon Him) over 2000 years ago, and of Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) over 1400 years ago, and of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him) over 1000 years ago, and now of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) in our own age, is just talk about it, that is, we have learned to "talk the walk" but we still need to actually "walk the walk".
We still need to become "One with" the life and teaching of Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, and "One with" the life and teaching of Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) within us, and "One with" the life and teaching of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and now in our age, "One with" the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and now finally, with the passing of His Holiness from the "outside" of us, we need to become "One with" the life and teaching of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, before we die to the world on the "outside" of us, or we will never see Them again.
For as Jesus (peace be upon Him) warned us in the "Gospel of John" in Chapter 16, starting in Verse 6, and ending in Verse 13,
--------- beginning of the Quote from the "Gospel of John" (16: 6-13) ------------
"But because I have said these things unto you, sorrow hath filled your heart. Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the "Comforter" will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send Him unto you.
And when He is come, He will reprove the world of sin, and (reprove the world) of righteousness, and (reprove the world) of judgment:
1) (He will reprove the world) of sin, because they believe not on Me; 2) (He will reprove the world) of righteousness, because I go to My Father, and ye see Me no more; 3) (And He will reprove the world) of judgment, because the prince of this world (of darkness) is judged.
I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when He, the "Spirit of truth", is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak: and He will shew you things to come."
--------- end of the Quote from the "Gospel of John" (16: 6-13) ------------
So if we are truly guilty of the "Sin of Righteousness" in our age, Jesus (peace be upon Him) Himself warns us that we will never see Jesus (peace be upon Him) again, if we have failed to become "One with" God within us, before we die to the "outside" of us.
And it is to correct this very "Sin of Righteousness" within each of us that Jesus (peace be upon Him) has sent to each of us in our age the life and teaching of God for our age, which at least for this child is the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), as the "Comforter", as the "Spirit of Truth" for our age, to give each of us the opportunity, if we truly want it, to see Jesus (peace be upon Him) again, and to see again all of the other 124,000 Prophets, Heavenly Beings, and Lights of God that are truly within each of us, just waiting, along with Jesus (peace be upon Him) to be revealed within us again, and doing all of the before we die to the "outside" of us. Amen.
And in this way, such is the grave "Sin of Righteousness" that is perhaps within each of us living in this age, so grave that if not corrected before we die to the "outside" of us, we will never see Them again, because in truth They are "who we already are", in the same way that an apple tree, and all of its roots, branches, flowers, and fruits is "already what an apple seed is", is already what an apple seed buried within the earth, in ignorance of itself is, what it "already is", and all that is necessary for all of these things hidden within the apple seed to be revealed, that is, for all of these hidden things within the apple seed buried within the earth to be revealed in their fullness, is for the apple seed to germinate.
And if the apple seed doesn't germinate, than it will never see these "apple things" within it again, it will have forever broken its connection to all of these "apple things" hidden within it, that it came to the earth, to join with the earth, to reveal, to reveal before it dies and rots in the earth, only to be absorbed into the earth and be re-born, to be re-born over and over again, but never again as an apple seed, never again as an apple seed buried within the earth with all of the "apple things" hidden within it.
Never again to be born as an apple seed with these "apple stories" hidden within it, with the story of the apple hidden within the story of the apple tree within it, and the story of the apple tree hidden within the story of the apple within it, never again to be born as what can tell these hidden "apple stories" within it, never again to be born as what can join with the earth before it dies, can germinate, to tell the story of the apple tree hidden within it, and can then join with the apple tree it has become to tell the story of the apple hidden within it, and within that apple, again revealing the apple seed.
And such is our own fate, if we aren't very careful and wise, my dearest loving brother Paul and my dearest loving sister Joan, if we fail to germinate, before we die to the "outside" of us, before we die within the "earth of God" within us, which is the Creation of God within us.
For then we too will have forever broken our connection to all of the "Things of God" hidden within us, that we came to the earth, to join with the earth, to reveal, that we came to this temporary earth world within us, that His Holiness calls the dunya, which is the Creation of God within us, that we came to this earth world within us to join with the Creation of God within us, to reveal, to reveal what God has lovingly and personally placed within each of us, a very, very long time ago, even before we came here, to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, by first revealing True Man to True Man within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man within us, and to do all of this before we die and rot in the earth within us.
And if we fail to do this, if we fail to germinate, if we fail to join in partnership with God within us, before we die to the "outside" of us, if we fail to do this, if we fail to do this "Heart's Work" within us, to become again "One with" God within us, but this time with an understanding of that "Oneness" within us so it will never leave us again, if we failed to do this before we die to the "outside" of us, if we fail to germinate in this way, then when we do eventually die to the world on the "outside" of us, which in truth is really the earth world within us, then like the apple seed that fails to germinate, we too will be absorbed into the earth world within us and be re-born, be re-born over and over again.
Ending as His Holiness teaches us, ending eventually after 105 million re-births as a worm in hell with only one level of consciousness, which is feeling, but never again to appear as the "Seed of God" within us, as the "Seed of God" with the story of True Man within the story of God within us, and as the "Seed of True Man", within the story of God within the story of True Man within us, but never again to appear as what God created to tell these "God and True Man stories" again.
And in this way, what a loss, what a loss then is our life, what a loss just because we wanted to continue to live on the "outside" of us for a very, very short time and sin, until we die to the "outside" of us, until the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him) finally catches us, and drags us screaming and kicking to hell, first to the suffering of the grave where we meet first hand what we have given life to within us other than God within us, and other than the "Things of God" within us, then to Qiyamah, to the "Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment" where all of the parts of our body testify to God about what we made them do in the world on the "outside" of us, all the while with us not allowed to say anything in our defense, and then off to 105 million rebirths, ending as a worm in hell with only one level of consciousness, or feeling, and in this way, off to an eternal life of "separation from" God. What a loss!
Again, my dearest loving brother Paul and my dearest loving sister Joan, something to think about a little. Something for all of us living in this age to think about. That is for sure. Amen.
"So why does an apple seed germinate?"
Lets next hear the Answer to this Question that our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) gave to us, that He gave to His Children one day "In-the-room", which follows in the next section, Section 8-2, "Why Does An Apple Seed Germinate?", as part of Page 2 of this letter, a Question and Answer that was given to us by His Holiness during the Holy "Month of Ramadan" in 1986, a few months before His Holiness died on December 8th, 1986. Ok? A Question and Answer that changed the life of this child forever. Amen.
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This page was last updated on: December 27, 2004